Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Day on the shore of the Sea of Galilee

Today is New Years Day. It is a very blessed day and beginning of a new year. It is blessed because I wake this morning overlooking the Sea of Galilee and I can certainly feel the presence of Jesus near to me. I think of the pilgrimages with me today and those of you who read this blog, and know that Jesus is real and know we cannot doubt anything that is said against this fact - Jesus was born in Nazareth, he lived with a carpenter family, he grew up living in caves on the side of a hill, the town he grew up in was small, smaller then my childhood town. God's hand can reach us anywhere, even in this small town of Nazareth, even in that small down of Cana, 5 miles down the mountain from Nazareth.

I have been amazed at all the tour buses I have seen on the road. We are not alone in this pilgrimage, you and I, we are a part of a larger group of pilgrims who come here looking for the same thing as us; to connect to our Christian roots, to walk the same path that our Lord Jesus Christ had taken in order that we to can feel and experience the great love that God has for us; to see the Word made flesh, and to believe that our faith will lead us to salvation.

Happy new year to all of you from your fellow pilgrims and myself, may God bless you this day and bring you closer to him in peace and love.

Fr. John

1 comment:

  1. So sorry we couldn't come along. Really enjoying reading about the pilgrimage and wishing we were there! Happy New Year to all! Karen Olson
