Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Our final morning in Vietnam took us to a tunnel system established by the Viet Cong in the war.  I had heard about them but to see and experience them made it very real.  He asked us to find the entry and I could not see it until he scraped away some leaves and lifted up the opening door.  It seemed to small to enter until he did it.
He took us to a bigger entry hole where we could get in.  It was scary crawling through a tunnel that was two by four feet, but somehow I did it.  I was grateful to see the light at the end.
After lunch we flew off to Cambodia and new adventures.  The beauty of Vietnam and the special people are certainly in my heart.  I felt sad for all the death and destruction we had caused there.  It was a different time.  Its been a gift to touch their life now.

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