Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 1, 2015 Happy New Year from the Holy Land

Happy New Year!

Only a few of us lasted til midnight. I thought it best to get some sleep knowing there would be a big day ahead. After breakfast, we jumped on a boat to cross the sea of Galilee. It was an old style wooden boat, slightly longer then the one the Apostles used. The morning was beautiful and sunny and we prayed and sang our way across. I could understand why Jesus spent most of his life around this body of water. Upon reaching the other bank we loaded on the bus to visit the site of the multiplication of loaves, Peter's confession of faith and then to Capernaum - the home of Peter. We were conscious that Jesus lived there for a while also. What a thrill to celebrate Mass there. Lunch was at a local restaurant where they served "Peter's Fish." What else; it was delightful. We finished our tour by going to the top of Mt. Tabor where the Transfiguration took place. The Capernoum synagogue ruins were a highlight for me. I stood in the spot where Jesus preached, oh my goodness.


Fr. John

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