Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Munich Mardi Gras

I just made another trip across the ocean, this time to Germany.  Those trips are a bit exhausting all in themselves.  But I'm excited about the coming weeks.  I kind of forgot that I was arriving in Munich on Mardi Gras.  Sr. Brunhild informed me that schools take the whole week off for Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday.  The Provincial house for the Bavarian province sits near downtown Munich.  Its my home for the next week.  The original building was bombed during World War II so the present one is a 1950's vintage.  Note the two pictures:  the front door and the large kircke (Church).
After lunch I was told that I could easily walk to the city center Marrian Platz.  So I became adventurous and headed out alone.  I had not gone far when the sound of music began reverberating in my ears.  Little did I know what I was walking into.  The platz was jammed with people singing, dancing, and just being what I thought New Orleans was doing today.  This was no time to look at the architecture of the buildings but rather to look at all the creative and weird costumes that seemingly everyone had on, except me.  As you can see they do not do the beads thing.  It was so amazing that I had to run back for my camera.  I knew my word description would not be enough.  The hi-lite was when they broke into "YMCA"  They all seemed to even know the words and actions.  

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